I was really
looking forward to going this year because I’ve been missing all the guy
friends I have at CBC. If not for my audit
at work being delayed another week, I might not have been able to go.
Javad and I
rode up and back with Bryan. When they
picked me up at work, they were a little stunned at the security guard knowing me by name, and by me having a reserved parking
spot with my name on it.
The speaker
was Michael Pouliot, a football player from Montana who started his own men’s
ministry called BattleZone. Kenton went
through it and now it seems like the whole program is coming to Campus. Michael was a good speaker, very intense, but
also very intentional. His big plug was
on relational discipleship, and creating multiple generations of discipleship
from the idea of 1 Timothy 2:2, Paul discipled Timothy, who disciple faithful
men to disciple others.
A couple
exercises focused on teaching us things to later teach our partner (who wasn’t
in the room learning it firsthand with us).
First was a dollar-bill trick to automatically link two paper clips
together. Later it was more serious
stuff: 1) a PRAYERS acronym for daily praying that follows the pattern of the
Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6. 2) a “C-4” technique of emergency defense against
temptations that get thrown at us. The
emphasis was heavy on learning each skill well enough to pass that knowledge
The food was
amazing as always. The only thing that
disappointed was the cookies on Saturday night.
This year they weren’t on warmers (so they were hard instead of soft) and there was no milk. Epic fail, but at least it helped me to stop
after eating only three of them.
Friday night
Spades tournament, I partnered with Josh B.
For round 1, we went up against Tim P. & Kyle L. Tim went nil every hand, but only got it
three times, and we still beat them.
Round 2, we lost by six points to Jon D. & Matt S. I should have counted the points potential (I was last to bid on the last hand) and bid one more trick.
The weekend
activity was “top shot.” The four teams
rotated through stations of 3D archery, throwing knives, tomahawks, and
slingshot. Lots of fun. I wasn’t terrible, but I was not skilled at
it. During competition, though, I was
only of only three guys on our team to break a bottle with the slingshot. Daniel Y. was so thrilled that someone
finally broke one for our team that he ran in and picked me up. Marc (who is blind) and Chapman were the only
other guys to break bottles (Chapman broke two).
A great weekend with encouraging conversations and fellowship.
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